The 20th issue of the Newsletter presents the conclusions and recommendations of the 10th EAN Workshop on "Experience and new Developments in Implementing ALARA in Occupational, Public and Patient Exposures" (Prague, Czech Republic, September 2006) and those of the 2nd RECAN Workshop on "Implementation of ALARA in Medicine" (Cavtat, Croatia, October 2006). The third article deals with the status of the different concepts of Diagnostic Reference Levels in some European countries. The fourth article describes the statement of the French Nuclear Safety Authorities following several radiotherapy incidents and accidents. Finally, the revised Germand guideline for incorporation monitoring and the implementation of the HASS-directive in Sweden are described.
Content- EAN 10th Workshop: "Exeprience and new Devlopments in Implementing ALARA in Occupational, Public and Patient Exposures" - Summary and Recommendations
- The 2nd RECAN Workshop on "Implementation of ALARA in Medicine"
- Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) in Europe: some examples from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and UK.
- Radiotherapy incidents and accidents in France
- The Revised German Guideline for Incorporation Monitoring
- The implementtaion of the Council Directive 2003/122/EURATOM on the control of high-activity sealed radioactive sources and orphan sources (HASS-Directive) in Sweden B. Ekström
- ALARA News
- The 20 EAN Contact Persons