The 18th issue of the Newsletter presents in its first article the summary and recommendations from the 9th EAN Workshop on Occupational Exposure to Natural Radiation (Augsburg, October 2005). The second article presents the conclusions and recommendations from the Seminar on the implementation of Directive 90/641 EURATOM on the radiation protection of outside workers (Luxembourg, November 2005). Then two articles analyse a radiological incident: the analysis of an incident involving Radioactive Lightning Conductors in Croatia becomes the case study n° 18 and the case study n° 19 deals with radionuclide gauges in rough industrial environments.
Finally, the first announcement for the 10th EAN Workshop on Experience and new developments in implementing ALARA in occupational, public and patient exposures (Prague, Czech Republic - 12-15 September 2006) is available.
Content- EAN 9th Workshop, Occupational Exposure to Natural Radiation Summary and Recommendations
C. Lefaure, P. Shaw - Conclusions and recommendations from the Seminar on the implementation of Directive 90/641 EURATOM on the radiation protection of outside workers
C. Lefaure, L. Vaillant - Analysis of a Radiological Incident (Case n° 18): incident involving Radioactive Lightning Conductors in Croatia
M. Novakovic - Analysis of a Radiological Incident (Case n° 19): radionuclide gauges in rough industrial environments - a challenge for radiation protection
I.E. Finne, G. Saxebøl - ALARA News
- 10th EAN Workshop - First Announcement
- The 18 EAN Contact Persons