The 19th issue of the Newsletter presents in its first article the new European Radiation Protection Authority Network (ERPAN) and its Terms and References. The second article presents the European Platform on Training and Education in Radiation Protection (EUTERP Platform). Then two articles analyse a radiological
incident. The last article summarizes the update of a survey on justification, optimisation and dose limits in the national regulation of the European Countries.
Finally, the last announcement and the programme of the 10th EAN Workshop on Experience and new developments in implementing ALARA in occupational, public and patient exposures (Prague, Czech Republic - 12-15 September 2006) is included.
Content- European Radiation Protection Authority Network (ERPAN) S. Fennell, N. Stritt
- Creation of a European Platform on Training and Education in Radiation Protection (EUTERP Platform) J. van der Steen
- Analysis of a Radiological Incident (Case N° 20): transport case prompts reminder on the importance of radiation protection controls G. Thomas
- Analysis of a Radiological Incident in Ireland (Case N° 21) S. Fennell
- Justification, Optimisation and Dose Limits: The Recent Evolution of National Regulations in European Countries (Update) P. Croüail
- ALARA News
- The 18 EAN Contact Persons
- 10th EAN Workshop - Last Announcement and Preliminary Programme