Title, Authors
Session 1 - Introduction and Scene Setting Chairperson: V. Kamenopoulou (GAEC - Greece)
The system of radiation protection, a framework for radioactive waste management A. Janssens, S. Mundigl, W. Hilden, G. Bruno (EC, DG Energy and Transport)
Optimisation principle versus minimisation principle: practical application of the new ICRP recommendations W. Weiss (Committee 4 of ICRP)
ALARA in the IAEA safety standards, which are applicable to the management of radioactive waste L. Baekelandt (FANC - Belgium), D. Louvat (IAEA)
Optimisation in the management and disposal of NORM wastes - experiences from the EANNORM project K. Flesch, H. Schulz (IAF Radioökologie GmbH - Germany), R. Gellermann (HGN Hydrogeology GmbH - Germany), E. Ettenhuber (Germany) |
Review of radioactive waste in Ireland D. Howett (RPII - Ireland)
For a consistent management of radioactive waste in France: the national plan for the management of radioactive material and waste P. Bodenez, J. Vallet (ASN - France) |
Session 2 - Stakeholder involvement and decision-making Chairperson: J. van der Steen (NRG - The Netherlands)
Stakeholder involvement in radioactive waste management in the UK L. Warren (Independant Consultant, CoRWM - UK), B. Morley (LLW Repository Ltd. - UK)
Considering the modalities of intergenerational tranfer associated with radioactive waste management T. Schneider, C. Schieber (CEPN - France), S. Gadbois, G. Hériard-Dubreuil (MUTADIS - France) |
The Belgian experience on developing a near surface disposal facility in partnership with the local stakeholders P. De Preter (NIRAS/ONDRAF - Belgium) |
Session 3 - Application of the ALARA principle Chairperson: I. Lund (SSI - Sweden)
Dose reduction below de minimis level? J. Feinhals (TÜV Nord SysTec - Germany)
Clearance and recycling of very low-level radioactive waste: an ALARA practice? L. Vaillant, F. Drouet (CEPN - France)
The application of ALARA in radioactive waste disposal - UK perspective B. Morley (LLW Repository Ltd - UK), G. Butler, G. McGlynn (Integrated Decision Management Ltd - UK) |
Occupational exposure in radioactive waste management in Germany V. Kunze (BfS - Germany), J. Feinhals (TÜV Nord SysTec - Germany)
Projected worker and public doses from long-term intermediate storage of radioactive waste at nuclear engineering Seibesdorf A. Brandl, R. Bayerknecht (Nuclear Engineering Seibesdorf - Austria), A. Hefner (Austrian Research Center, Seibesdorf - Austria)
Session 4a - Practical experience, including technical solutions, from the non-nuclear sectors Chairperson: B. Morley (LLW Repository Ltd - UK)
Doses to sewage workers due to 131I waste used for therapeutic purposes S. Vogiatzi, E. Carinou, C. Potiriadis, C-J. Hourdakis, P. Dimitriou, V. Kamenopoulou (GAEC - Greece)
Regulations on radioactive waste from practices using unsealed radioactive sources A-L. Södermann, H. Hellström (SSI - Sweden) |
Assessing doses to the public from discharges of radionuclides from non-nuclear establishments in the UK C. McDonnell (HPA - UK)
Incineration of low-level radioactive wastes from non-nuclear sources in the UK C. McDonnell (HPA - UK) |
Session 4b - Practical experience, including technical solutions, from the nuclear sector Chairperson: C. Schieber (CEPN - France)
Application of the ALARA principle in dismantling and disposal of a research reactor primary cooling system delay tank A. Savidou, F. Tzika, S. Hatzidakis, I.E. Stamatelatos (NCSR Demokitos - Greece)
Co-operation development project for new treatment of SG's - Impact of final disposal volumes and recycling in Northern Europe B. Wirendal, A. Lindström, M. Lindberg (Studsvik Nuklear AB - Sweden), T. Hansson, T. Svedberg (Vattenfall Ringhals - Sweden) |
Optimisation of dose exposure at cask handling for intermediate storage K. Dreesen, D. Hoffmann, B. Lorenz (GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service - Germany)
Session 5 - Conclusions and Recommendations Chairpersons: P. Shaw, P. Croüail (EAN)
Report from the Working Group 1: Dealing with doses - how to take account of different dose distributions, worker and public doses, doses over long timescales, etc. |
Report from the Working Group 2: How should ALARA be applied and implemented in the areas of re-use and recycling of radioactive residues?
Report from the Working Group 3: How should ALARA be applied and implemented in the area of disposal of radioactive waste?
Report from the Working Group 4: Why should different strategies be applied to the different sectors and what should these differences be?
Report from the Working Group 5: What are the main criteria that should be used for decision-making in the management of radioactive waste?
Summary and Recommendations P. Shaw |