| Title, Authors | Paper (Pdf) | Pres. (Pdf) |
| Welcome M. Schwaiger (Managing Director of Seibersdorf Laboratories)
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| Session 1 - Introduction and Scene Setting Chairperson: A. Hefner (AIT, Austria)
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1.1 | EU HASS Directive V. Tanner (European Commission)
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1.2 | IAEA activities on control of sources H. Mansoux (IAEA)
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1.3 | ALARA in Security and Safety of Radiation Sources: an ICRP perspective J. Lochard (ICRP)
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1.4 | International initiatives since 09/11 - Feedback from GICNT and other Workshops G. Stoppa, R. Sefzig (BMU, Germany) |  |  |
| Session 2 - Security and Safety Measures Chairperson: V. Tanner (European Commission)
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2.1 | Operation of the Register on High Activity Sealed Sources in Germany - four years of experience U. Häusler (BfS, Germany)
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2.2 | Improved security measures for radiation sources in Norway - A case study of irradiation facilities in hospitals S. Øvergaard, S. Hustveit (NRPA, Norway) |  |  |
2.3 | Safety, dose optimisation and security: the quadrature of the circle F. Hardeman, F. Vermeersch (SCK-CEN Mol, Belgium) | | |
2.4 | Reclassification of security at a waste disposal recovery L. Hutton, K. Branthwaite (LLWR, UK), B. Morley (Consultant, UK) |  |  |
2.5 | ALARA principle in collecting radioactive sources: the Spanish experience T. Ortiz Ramis (ENRESA, Spain) | | |
2.6 | How to combine security and safety of radioactive sources and good patient service in public of large hospitals J. Kopp (Klinikum Augsburg, Germany) |  |  |
2.7 | Safety and Security of Sealed Radiation Sources for Industrial NDT Applications B. Redmer, H-J. Malitte (BAM Berlin, Germany), B. Sölter (DGZfp Berlin, Germany), E. Reinhardt (Governmental District of Cologne, Germany), R. Hacker (Applus RTD Deutschland, Germany) |
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2.8 | An Industry Perspective on an efficient safe and secure Life Cycle Management of Radioactive Sources W. Fasten (ISSPA, Germany) |  |  |
| Session 3 - Planned Exposure Situations Chairperson: H. Mansoux (IAEA)
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3.1 | Training programmes of workers dealing with security: national and regional aspects P. Dimitriou (GAEC, Greece)
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3.2 | Aero-gamma measurements as an important tool after a nuclear accident C. Strobl, I. Krol, M. Thomas, C. Hohmann, C. Brummer (BfS, Germany) |  |  |
3.3 | Overview of ISIS (In-Situ Intercomparison Scenario) 2007 Workshop M. Schwaiger, F. Strebl (Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria)
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3.4 | Experience of Georgian authorities in recovering orphan sources G. Nabakthiani, L. Chelidze (NRSS, Georgia)
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Session 4 - Emergency situation management (especially due to malevolent acts) Chairperson: J. Lochard (CEPN, France)
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4.1 | Minimizing the radiation exposure risk of first responders during emergency situation management E.A. Kroeger, R. Maier (BfS, Germany)
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4.2 | Training of emergency responders M. Blaickner (AIT, Austria), T. Geringer (Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria) |
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4.3 | The UK Health Protection Agency's response to Polonium-210 Incident in London 2006 P. Tattersall (HPA, UK)
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4.4 | Radiation Protection Measures during the Investigation of Polonium-210 traces in Hamburg in December 2006 E.A. Kroeger, R. Maier (BfS, Germany)
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4.5 | IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme E. Buglova (IAEA)
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4.6 | On the use of an ALARA tool to countering nuclear or radiological terrorism F. Vermeersch, C. Rojas-Palma, K. Van der Meer, R. Nijs (SCK-CEN Mol, Belgium)
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Session 5 - Justification and optimisation of doses in the use of security devices Chairperson: A. Schmitt-Hannig (BfS, Germany)
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5.1 | Use of X-ray Body Scanner Equipment in the UK and matters to consider to keep doses ALARA A. MacDonald (HPA, UK)
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5.2 | Radiation Protection Control Area around Passenger Baggage X-ray Units I. Prlić, M. Surić Mihić, T. Metrovic (Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Croatia), Z. Cerovac (ALARA Ltd, Croatia)
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5.3 | Type testing of basic-protection devices in Germany S. Neumaier, H. Dombrowski (PTB, Germany), K-H. Motzkus (BfS, Germany)
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| Session 6 - Feedback and Conclusions Chairpersons: P. Shaw, P. Croüail (EAN)
6.1 | Report from the Working Group 1: Implementation of the Code of Conduct and HASS - ensuring ALARA (The PPT is the result of the Working Group discussions. It has not been modified by the Editorial Team)
6.2 | Report from the Working Group 2: Balancing security and safety - how to achieve an optimum solution? (The PPT is the result of the Working Group discussions. It has not been modified by the Editorial Team) |
6.3 | Report from the Working Group 3: Management of emergency exposure situation from an ALARA perspective (The PPT is the result of the Working Group discussions. It has not been modified by the Editorial Team) |
6.4 | Report from the Working Group 4: Justification and optimisation in the use of security devices (The PPT is the result of the Working Group discussions. It has not been modified by the Editorial Team) |
6.5 | Conclusions