Paper |
Title, authors |
1st Session: Setting the Scene - Chaired by R. Coates (UK) and N.G. Kelly (EC) |
1 |
ALARA and internal exposure : some lessons from external exposure management C. Lefaure (France) |
2 |
What drives internal dosimetry monitoring regimes - Technical operational commercial or IR consideration? E.J. Curson, A.R. Britcher (UK) |
3 |
Prospects for assessing internal exposure. Examples from the nuclear and non-nuclear sector A.W. Van Weers et al (The Netherlands) |
4 |
Sampling for airborne dusts in workplaces O. Witschger (France) |
5 |
Quality assurance (quality control, intercomparisons) D. Beyer et al (Germany) |
6 |
EULEP/EURADOS feedback H. Doerfel (Germany) |
2nd Session: Regulatory Framework - Chaired by P. Hubert ( France) |
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Promoting internal exposure management : the IAEA present and future documents M. Gustafsson (IAEA) |
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The application of HSE´s safety assessment principles for nuclear plants for minimising exposure to internal radiations D. N. Simister (UK) |
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Monitoring concept as laid down in the German guidelines K. Henrichs et al (Germany) |
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Nordic regulatory aspects on control of internal exposure T. Rahola et al (Finland) |
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Internal exposure management: NRC roles and responsibilities and recent licensee performance R.Nimitz (USA) |
3rd Session: Case Studies I (from the non-nuclear industry) - Chaired by G. Tarroni (Italy) |
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Technical improvements and procedure changes in ´80 years at the SORIN BIOMEDICA centre Italy for applying ALARA principles and reducing internal contamination doses M. Ardissino, M. Garbarino (Italy) |
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Evaluation and reduction of the internal contamination for workers, due to tritium targets used in a neutron generator plant F. Lucci, S. Sandri (Italy) |
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Internal exposures in research and clinical medicine M. Lasmann (Germany) |
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Models parameters and technical options for controlling the internal contamination and for reducing doses of exposed workers in one of the largest Italian hospitals G. Borasi, L. Mondini (Italy) |
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ALARA in NUM including PET W. Eschner (Germany) |
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Accidental inhalation and extensive contamination of Sr-90 in a radioactive facility in November 1995 I. Villanueva et al (Spain) |
4th Session: Case Studies II (from the nuclear industry), poster session and software demonstration - Chaired by E. Sollet (Spain) |
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A radiological protection study in a French uranium refinement plant J.P. Degrange et al (France) |
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Managing internal dosimetry - An operational perspective S. E. Beaty (UK) |
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Radioactive internal doses in the EN(USA) LEU fuel manufacturing plant and the evolution in time after ALARA criteria A. Perez Fonseca (Spain) |
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Internal Doses at Enusa Juzbado Fuel Fabrication Plant. Estimation and Application Alara Criteria G. Sánchez, A. Pérez, J.J. Vallecillo (Spain) |
5th Session: Case Studies III (from NORM and others) - Chaired by L.E. Holm (Sweden) |
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Working with ores containing naturally occuring radioactive material P. Shaw et al (UK) |
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Phosphorus production and natural radionuclides: the consequences for the operators concerned W.H.H. Erkens (The Netherlands) |
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Natural radioactivity found in bioassay measurements C. Hurtgen (Belgium) |
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Reduction of internal exposure from an alpha foil production operation T. Shackleton et al (UK) |
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Internal exposures by tritium in a high flux research reactor F.M Wagner (Germany) |
6th Session: Case Studies IV (operational dose management) - Chaired by G. Weimer |
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What are internal doses more subjected for concern than external doses? R. Sundell (Finland) |
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Incorporation monitoring during decommission:- Am 241 problem in Gundremmingen U. Kratzel et al (Germany) |
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Incorporation monitoring during decommissioning of a hot-cee facility in Karlstein N. Neudert et al (Germany) |
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ALARA during the equipment removal activities and decontamination of spent fuel pools in Vandellos I nuclear power plant T. Ortiz et al (Spain) |
7th Session: Final Session - - Chaired by Ch. Lefaure (France), J. Croft (UK) and A. Schmitt-Hannig (Germany) |
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Radon in workplaces M. Markannen (Finland) |
Poster Session |
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An analytical method for soling biokinetics intake models involving recycling and random inputs: application to the Wrenn uranium model (computer demonstration) G. Sánchez (Spain) |
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The dose coefficients data base ECRIN (computer demonstration) M.L. Perrin (France) |
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A sotware tool to estimate effective doses from intakes of radionuclides (computer demonstration) J.P. Coleto Fiaño, E Sollet Sanudo (Spain) |
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The dose coefficient database ECRIN M.L. Perrin (France) |
36 |
The IMBA: the UK approach to internal dosimetry for the year 2000 Birchall et al (UK) |
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Internal contamination incidents occurred at Vandellos I NNP during dismantling tasks I. Villanueva et al (Spain) |
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Dose reduction practice in a Tritium radiochemical manufacturing facility B. Russ (UK) |
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OptRepresentativity of air activity concentration sampling A. Gisbertz, R. Hoffmann (Germany) |
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Monitoring of external workers W. Roth (Germany) |
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ALARA in fuel element production G. Wagner (Germany) |
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The German Radiation Protection register G. Frasch (Germany) |
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Regional radiation protection centres of workmen compensation institutions F. Fehringer et al (Germany) |
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Lung counting with Ge detectors: In- vivo measurement of actinides M.A. López Ponte, T. Navarro Bravo (Spain) |
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Internal dosimetry of natural radionuclides C.W.M. Timmermanns (The Netherlands) |
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Technical and meteorological features of a personal alpha dosimeter S. Bernhard, J.F. Pineau, F. Sarradin (France) |
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Experiences of whole body counting of workers at Ringhals NPP A. Löverfors Daun (Sweden) |
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Comparison of various monitoring methods for quality assurance purposes at thoriated electrode productionT. Ludwig (Germany) |
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Assessment of quarterly urinary bioassays as a monitoring method for thorium intakes of gas mantle manufacturing workers and comparison of the different ICRP models on the basis of the results W. Riedel, A Eisenmenger (Germany) |
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Contribution of radionuclides from natural sources for measured excretion rates (thorium, uranium) B. Grosche, K. Henrichs (Germany) |
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Internal dose evaluation for workers employed in an industry using enamel paints containing zirconium silicate M. Berico, C.M. Castellani et al (Italy) |