| Title, Authors | PDF | PPT |
| Session 1: Setting the Scene - Chaired by Mr. E. Sgrilli, ANPA (Italy) | | |
1 | Industrial radiography and the recommendations from the 2nd EAN Workshop P. Shaw, NRPB (United Kingdom) |  |  |
2 | Dose distribution in industrial radiography in Europe G. Frasch, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Germany) |  |  |
3 | Radiation safety in industrial radiography: current work by IAEA J. Wheatley, IAEA
|  |  |
4 | Synthesis on lessons learnt from incidents/accidents P. Crouaïl , CEPN (France) | | |
5 | Industrial radiography in Norway - legislation and qualification requirements with regard to the reporting and handling of accidents T. Wøhni, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (Norway) |  |  |
6 | Radiation protection of the workers in industrial radiography: the point of view of the regulatory body in France A. Biau, OPRI (France) |  | |
7 | Synthesis on regulatory bodies point of view A.M. Schmitt-Hannig, BfS (Germany) | | |
8 | Sealed sources European Union legislation V. Ciani, European Commission
| |  |
| Session 2: Equipment & Dosimetry / Surveillance - Chaired by Mr. M. Shilton, AEA Technology (United Kingdom) | | |
9 | Equipment for gamma radiography in France J.-C. Godin, CEGELEC (France) |  |  |
10 | SAFER Radiography, a new process M. Wass, SafeRad (UK) |  | |
11 | Improved safety in gammaradiography new equipment design, new isotopes T. Giese, MDS Nordion (Germany) |  | |
12 | Reduction of radiation exposure through the application of new detector techniques in Industrial Radiography C. Bellon, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung undprüfung (Germany) |  | |
13 | Optimal uses of personal and equipment dosimeters for Industrial Radiography operations J.-M. Houin, MGP Instruments (France) | |  |
14 | Comparison of what can be obtained by radiological testing exclusively and by alternative testing G. Nardoni, AIPnD (Italy) |  | |
| Session 3: Safety Culture / Organisation & Management - Chaired by Mr. V. Ciani, European Commission
| | |
15 | Risks in mobile industrial radiography H. Hoogstraate, Röntgen Technische Dienst (The Netherlands) |  | |
16 | Supervision by the Client of site radiography contractors Why and How A. MacDonald, NRPB (United Kingdom) |  |  |
17 | A Nuclear Safety approach for a Radiation Protection issue HP. Blandin, EDF-GDL (France) |  |  |
18 | Non-destructive tests through gammagraphy: "a technical job as well as some necessary rigorous improvisation and astutes" A. Garrigou, University of Bordeaux 1 (France) |  |  |
19 | Evolution of the operational doses from the industrial radiography using mobile gammagraphy equipments in Spain (1995-2000) and the Nuclear Safety Council future actions in order to reduce them E. Rodrigo Gonzalez, CSN (Spain) |  |  |
20 | The Italian legislation and directives concerning protection and safety of workers and members of the public against the exposure risk to ionizing radiations G. Benedetti, Magistrate (Italy) |  | |
21 | Some radiation protection aspects concerning the use of sealed gamma sources in industry or medicine as seen by German trade unions M. Schröder, DGB-Bundesvorstand (Germany) |  | |
| Session 4: Training on Radiation Protection - Chaired by Mr. J. Wheatley (IAEA) and Mr. J. Croft, NRPB (United Kingdom) | | |
22 | Radiation protection in Industrial Radiography: training and inspection R. van Sonsbeek, Röntgen Technische Dienst (The Netherlands) |  |  |
23 | Industrial radiography in Croatia New Approach M. Novakovic, EKOTEH (Croatia) |  |  |
24 | The effectiveness of radiation protection training in industrial radiography J. Stewart, NRPB (United Kingdom) |  |  |
25 | IAEA education and training on radiation protection J. Wheatley, IAEA
| |  |
26 | Review of the development of incidents databases and feedback mechanism: IRID, RELIR, EURAIDE and RADEV J. Croft, NRPB (United Kingdom) |  |  |
| Posters | | |
27 | Ionising Radiation Incidents in Industrial Gammagraphy: Analysis of 20 French Cases and Lessons learned P. Crouaïl, CEPN (France) |  | |
28 | Investigation about on cause of radiation accidents in nuclear Industry (1982-1996) Vahdat Khiabani, Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (Iran) | | |
29 | Radiation Protection and Industrial Radiography in Denmark P. Moller, National Institute of Radiation Hygiene (Denmark) |  | |
30 | Requirements of radiation protection in the German Industrial Radiography following the recent legislation B. Solter, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., (Germany) | | |
31 | Time-trend and consequences analyse of radiographers exposure in the Czech Republic K. Petrova, State Office for Nuclear Safety (Czech Republic) |  | |
32 | Industrial Radiography in Sudan I. Shaddad, Sudan Atomic Energy Commission (Sudan) |  | |
33 | Radiation Protection in Industrial Radiography, Swiss Regulations H. Kunz, SUVA, (Switzerland) |  | |
34 | The Swedish regulation of Industrial Radiography C. Stalnacke, SSI (Sweden) | | |
35 | Present status of the Spanish Industrial Radiography Apparatus and Monitoring Devices Inventory B. Alfonso, CSN (Spain) |  |  |
36 | Safety and performance by design M. Shilton, AEA Technology QSA (United Kingdom) |  | |
37 | Safety Guide n° 5.14 issued in Spain by the Nuclear Safety Council: Security and Radiological requirements in the industrial gamma radiography facilities B. Tamayo, CSN (Spain) |  |  |
38 | IAEAs Radiation Events Database (RADEV) J. Wheatley, IAEA
|  | |
39 | Training in France: the situation and its limits P. Muglioni, APAVE (France) | | |
40 | Improving Safety Culture while executing Site Radiography M. KEREN, Minsitry of the Environment (Israel) |  | |
41 | Training in Radiation Protection for Industrial Radiographers and some generals on Radiation Protection Culture in Austria C. Schmitzer, ARCS (Austria) |  | |
42 | Status of Industrial Radiography Practice in Ghana S. Asiamah, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (Ghana) |  |