| Title, Authors | PDF
| Session A: Setting the Scene - Chaired by J. Van der Steen (The Netherlands) | | |
A1 | Introduction and setting the scene C. Lefaure, P. Shaw | | |
A2 | Following up of former recommendations P. Deboodt | | |
| Session B: Site Remediation - Chaired by G. Morkunas (Lithuania) | | |
B1 | The role of ALARA in management decisions J.A.M.M. Kops | | |
B2 | Management of industrial sites contaminated with radionuclides in France A. Oudiz | | |
B3 | Methodology for estimating the doses to members of the public from contaminated land W.B. Oatway | | |
B4 | Restoration of the former site of the institute for nuclear physics research in Amsterdam P.W.F. Louwrier | | |
| Session C: Site Remediation and Prevention of Internal Exposure - Chaired by P. Deboodt (Belgium) | | |
C1 | Occupational exposure during site remediation at WISMUT P. Schmidt | | |
C2 | Clean-up of a GBq-Pu contamination of two appartments, contaminated by the Pu theft at the WAK (Pilot Reprocessing Plant - Karlsruhe) P. Höfer | | |
C3 | The Olen radium facility: environmental contamination, impact on the population and site remediation H. Vanmarcke | | |
C4 | The role of personal protective equipment in reducing occupational exposure T.A.J. Bain | | |
| Session D: Decommissioning of Installations outside the Nuclear Fuel Cycle - Chaired by H. Troen (Danmark) | | |
D1 | Dismantlement of the Amsterdam 700 MeV linear electron accelerator MEA, electron storage ring AmPS and the experimental halls P.W.F. Louwrier | | |
D2 | Melting of 137Cs and 60Co sources in a steel plant: remediation and environnement monitoring V. Berna | | |
D3 | Radiological survey of the active central laboratory (ACL) in Studsvik, Sweden H. Effraimsson | | |
D4 | Operational aspects of decommissiong of installations concerning mineral wool E.I.M. Meijne | | |
D5 | Dose reduction techniques employed during cell line decommissioning I. Pearman, A. Murray | | |
| Session E: Effectiveness and Feedback on the use of Dose and Dose Rate Estimating Tools - Chaired by Vincent Massaut (Belgium) | | |
E1 | Dismantling of the hot-cell n° 41 at the SCK-CEN, using the ALARA planning tool VISIPLAN P. Antoine | | |
E2 | Calculation codes for decommissioning C. Le Goaller | | |
E3 | The EDR gamma scanner J.M. Pérez | | |
E4 | Gamma imaging as a complementary technique to health physics monitoring K. Hughes | |  |
E5 | The use of a waste conversion index as a long term performance indicator for civil nuclear liabilities P. Fawcett | | |
| POSTERS | | |
P1 | Review of dose criteria for cleaning of contaminated land S. Mobbs | | |
P2 | ALARA aspect in decommissioning/moving a storage of nuclear waste (low activity) and remediating the ground H. Troen | | |
P3 | Problems in optimization of radiation protection concerning site remediation: case study G. Morkunas | | |
P4 | The use of functional modelling in a safety audit of radioactive flows J. Lundtang Paulsen | | |
P5 | Regulatory aspects regarding decommissioning of nuclear facilities in Switzerland S.-G. Jahn | | |
P6 | Development of fit for purpose safety cases for decommissioning activities P. Manson | | |
P7 | Decommissioning of the nuclear facilities at Risoe National Laboratory in Denmark M. Bagger Hansen |  | |
P8 | The combined use of 3D dose assessment and the human motion simulation in ALARA D&D problems F. Vermeersch | | |